Smiles of the Day

Monticello, IN

Right Now
  • Humidity: 74%
  • Feels Like: 68°
  • Heat Index: 68°
  • Wind: 0 mph
  • Wind Chill: 68°
  • UV Index: 6 High
  • Sunrise: 06:30:03 AM
  • Sunset: 08:57:10 PM
  • Dew Point: 60°
  • Visibility: 10 mi


Partly cloudy skies during the morning will give way to cloudy skies and light rain late. High 73F. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 80%.


Cloudy with periods of light rain. Low 56F. Winds NE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 70%.


Rain showers early with overcast skies later in the day. High 71F. Winds NNE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 60%.

Afternoon light rain. Highs in the low 70s and lows in the mid 50s.

Chance of Rain: 75%

Sunrise: 06:30:03 AM

Sunset: 08:57:10 PM

Humidity: 67%

Wind: ESE @ 9 mph

UV Index: 6 High

Tuesday Night

Cloudy with periods of light rain. Low 56F. Winds NE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 70%.

Showers ending by midday. Highs in the low 70s and lows in the low 50s.

Chance of Rain: 59%

Sunrise: 06:29:06 AM

Sunset: 08:58:09 PM

Humidity: 75%

Wind: NNE @ 11 mph

UV Index: 5 Moderate

Wednesday Night

Partly cloudy. Low 52F. Winds N at 5 to 10 mph.

More clouds than sun. Highs in the upper 70s and lows in the upper 50s.

Chance of Rain: 24%

Sunrise: 06:28:10 AM

Sunset: 08:59:07 PM

Humidity: 64%

Wind: SSE @ 7 mph

UV Index: 7 High

Thursday Night

Overcast with rain showers at times. Low 59F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 50%.

Scattered thunderstorms possible. Highs in the mid 70s and lows in the upper 50s.

Chance of Rain: 43%

Sunrise: 06:27:17 AM

Sunset: 09:00:05 PM

Humidity: 72%

Wind: SW @ 7 mph

UV Index: 7 High

Friday Night

Chance of a shower or two during the evening, followed by partly cloudy skies late. Low 58F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 30%.

Mix of sun and clouds. Highs in the upper 70s and lows in the low 60s.

Chance of Rain: 20%

Sunrise: 06:26:25 AM

Sunset: 09:01:02 PM

Humidity: 69%

Wind: SE @ 7 mph

UV Index: 8 Very High

Saturday Night

Mostly clear skies. Low around 60F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph.

A few clouds. Highs in the low 80s and lows in the low 60s.

Chance of Rain: 14%

Sunrise: 06:25:35 AM

Sunset: 09:01:58 PM

Humidity: 61%

Wind: WNW @ 9 mph

UV Index: 8 Very High

Sunday Night

Clear skies with a few passing clouds. Low 61F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph.

Partly cloudy with a stray thunderstorm. Highs in the low 80s and lows in the low 60s.

Chance of Rain: 39%

Sunrise: 06:24:46 AM

Sunset: 09:02:54 PM

Humidity: 61%

Wind: SSW @ 10 mph

UV Index: 7 High

Monday Night

Cloudy with a few showers. Low 61F. Winds ENE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%.

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In this article, Dr. Adriana Davis, Family Medicine, shares her expert insights of the findings and provides Indiana residents with evidence-based recommendations for protecting their health.Why This Matters to YouNew research reveals that the introduction of traffic light and physical activity labels significantly affect consumer behavior.What This Means for Your Health"Green Lights on Labels Help Make Us Make Healthier Choices!" Dr. Adriana Davis, Family MedicineDoctor's Expert Insights About Food Labeling and Your Health in Vigo County, IndianaKnow this: "This new research shows that simple changes, like putting traffic light colors or exercise info on vending machine labels, can make a real difference in encouraging healthier drink choices. Red, yellow, and green stickers or labels showing how long you'd need to walk to burn off a drink's calories helped people cut back on sugary and unhealthy beverages. And the great news is these changes seem to have worked for the long haul!This type of intervention can be pivotal in combating obesity and other related health issues by naturally encouraging better habits. So, the next step would be to test this in more places and see if these effective labeling strategies would positively impact how we buy food and drinks. This way, we can all make more informed and healthier choices in Indiana." Dr. Adriana Davis, Family Medicine.Signup for our Free Health Newsletter.Actionable Steps: What You Can Do NextIf you call Vigo County home and you're having a tough time with your weight or figuring out what to eat, here's some good news: chances are, your insurance will cover free classes to help you make better food choices and manage diabetes.You should also know your A1c, cholesterol, and blood pressure values.Also, The American College of Cardiology is a great resource for learning more about your ASCVD Risk. (Visit Site) Health News Today: A new study shows that the way drinks are labeled on vending machines can steer people to choosing healthier options.The Science Made Simple: Key Findings and What They Mean for Vigo County ResidentsTraffic light labels drive healthier beverage choicesTraffic light labels (red/yellow/green) led to a "30% decrease in the mean monthly number of unhealthy beverages sold."Physical activity labels also encourage better beverage selectionsPhysical activity calorie equivalent labels on vending machines resulted in a:34% reduction in monthly sales of unhealthy beverages.35% reduction in total beverage calories sold on a month over month basis.Labeling all products--not just healthy ones--is more impactfulPutting labels only on the healthy items didn't really change what people bought, when compared to just having a sign about the beverage tax. When vending machines had traffic light labels, people tended to buy fewer calories each time they made a purchase.Total calories sold monthly dropped with physical activity labelsPeople purchased 30 calories less per visit to vending machines with traffic light labels than they did at machines with physical activity labels.Labeling effects persisted over the long-termThe impact of traffic light and physical activity labels on healthy choices was found to be working to reduce sales of unhealthy drinks for the entire 13 months of the study.ConclusionThis study shows that using simple, easy-to-understand nutrition labels on vending machines, like traffic light colors or physical activity equivalents, can successfully nudge people to make healthier drink choices.Medical News Today: What This Means for Your Health in Vigo County, IndianaThe Bottom Line: Healthy coded labeling approaches could be a promising strategy for organizations and policymakers to encourage better public health."The investigation by Gibson et al3 is notable because it appears to be the first to use a randomized design to examine the effectiveness of different types of vending machine messaging interventions in a natural environment. Thus, the findings from this experimental field study address a crucial research gap in implementation science concerning best practices for healthy vending machine messaging interventions in applied contexts. It is a novel study with practical significance because it elucidates messaging opportunities to increase patron uptake of healthy vending machine products." Brenda Robles, Phd, MPH (Study Commentary)What They're Saying: "This study also has several limitations. First, it was conducted in vending machines that were subject to city regulations that made them healthier than average, so results may not generalize to other vending machines or purchasing settings. Second, because the city required that all vending machines have some type of label for healthy items, we were unable to test a pure control group with no labeling intervention. Instead, beverage tax posters provided an interesting comparison group. Our test of tax salience messaging may have been diluted because some beverage tax posters fell off. Only one-quarter of participants reported noticing the tax reminders compared with 58% and 65% noticing the physical activity and traffic light messaging, respectively. There were differences in baseline sales by condition, although we adjusted for these. Still, customers in the physical activity locations (which had lower baseline sales) may have been less frequent vending consumers. Our customer response rate was 67%, which is higher than for studies recruiting outside urban food retailers.39 Finally, the start of the COVID-19 pandemic prevented us from reaching our target customer sample size." (Study Source)Read More Is Bakersfield eating its way to dementia? Doctor ExplainsHealth Standard Newswire: Simple labels make a big difference on beverage choices. Research shows that traffic light and physical activity labels on vending machines encourage healthier drink choices.Health Facts That Matter: Key Statistics for Vigo County, IndianaThe following health facts impact your physical health directly!Did you know there were 15209 deaths from heart disease in Indiana in 2021?3% of you in Vigo County chronic kidney disease.23.6% of you in Vigo County are smokers.36.6% of you in Vigo County are obese.All of these variables above play an important role in the outcomes of your overall health.The Health Standard Newswire.

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